Arvalla – SMACKER

Smacker is here to Put “hybrid mince” on the map 

Tröskarehus AB is a family-owned company with varied investments ranging from tech to  heritage grain cultivation. Now, they’re launching a hybrid mince containing 30% animal  protein and 70% vegetables. Developed in collaboration with renowned chef Brian  Mårtensen, the mince is highly adaptable, allowing the end customer to choose their  protein (beef, fish, even wild boar or Swedish reindeer) and is produced using local  resources. Public sector bulk customers are the target audience. 

The problem is that most people are unaware or very skeptical about hybrid mince since  it’s a new type of product in the food industry. That’s where we came in. Our group  created a brand platform from the ground up, including color schemes, a manifesto, and  the name: SMACKER. With this strategy-based brand platform, SMACKER mince  products now have a foundation to build upon. Consumers can eat nutritious food with  less meat, without compromising on taste. SMACKER tastes great and leaves an  aftertaste that stays with you long after you’ve swallowed the last bite. Simply, the world’s  best aftertaste. 

Some highlights from our brand platform includes: 

  • Association words: Tasty, Bold, and Humane (the mince tastes awesome, the look and feel of the brand is no-holds-barred, and humanity is at the center of all they do) 
  • Color scheme: A clean beige base with pops of different reds and pinks (a subliminal signal to the consumer that this product contains meat!) 
  • The kick-ass name: SMACKER, with the tagline “World’s best aftertaste.” 


  • Enzo Cavazza Public Relations
  • Adina Gidoff Growth Marketing
  • Oscar Larsson Copywriter
  • Emma Seleskog Digital Design & Strategy
  • Emelie Sturk Communication Design
  • Amanda Torres Strategisk kommunikation
  • Delaney Wesse Produktionsledning