Rise – Code blue
Debrief –
To create a communication concept that is sustainable in the long term and can ultimately be implemented internationally, aiming not only to sell tickets but also to gain attention and interest in the education experience.
Target Group –
High-level leaders in public and private sectors.
Assignment –
NEW NAME – For the concept.
CONCEPTUALIZING – The communication around the event.
COMMUNICATION STRATEGY – Who hears what, where & when.
Solution –
Code refers to ”breaking the code” of the seemingly complicated nature of sustainability and global warming. RISE as a research institute, has the knowledge to provide navigation to the leaders of Sweden through this event. RISE has the key to crack the code and leaders have the power to implement it.
Blue refers to our blue planet, earth.
Together, forming ”Code Blue” indicates a sense of urgency and call to action, because there is no time to waste when it comes to our home.
It is also a hospital emergency code, used to describe the critical status of a patient. We don’t find this to be an issue but rather a good thing. In this case, planet earth is our critical patient.
Effect –
To stand out in a crowded market, the solution will hype a unique leadership program focused on sustainability, designed to create a sense of urgency among high-level leaders. The goal is to spark their curiosity so they feel compelled to attend, believing they can’t miss this opportunity. The aim is to have 40 leaders purchase tickets, enhancing their awareness and fostering opportunities for collaboration, ultimately increasing the program’s visibility and potential for new partnerships.
- Alma Svensson Strategisk kommunikation
- Elin Damberg Communication Design
- Juliette Engström Digital Design & Strategy
- Frida Nilsson Produktionsledning
- Selma Omar Costa Art Director
- Johanna Billow Growth Marketing
- Joel Tagesson Råd Public Relations